10 Sublime Nutrition Acts of Courage (that you can do now!)

1.       Drink pure SPRING WATER (not tap water) in the morning, first thing upon rising. Two quarts is a good amount!

2.       Add one wild food to your diet this week – this could be wild blueberries, maple syrup, wild greens, tree mushrooms like Chaga, wild herbs like American Ginseng or Rose Hips, local seaweeds.

3.       Replace one (or more!) meal with a juice that has green leafy vegetables in it.

4.       Remove 5 processed or packaged foods from your pantry – good ones to toss are those that contain MSG, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial colors/flavors.

5.       Breathe deeply – three long, slow, deep breaths before eating for as many meals as you can remember to do so.

6.       Replace one bottle of your hydrogenated corn or soy oil with one bottle of olive, coconut, flax or hemp oil.

7.       Try this exercise from Ayurveda: Be really honest with yourself when you eat, drink or otherwise consume products: Is eating this a “crime of wisdom” against my body, mind, or spirit?

8.       Trade factory farmed meat and dairy for locally grown, grass-fed meat and dairy products.

9.       Be aware for one day of how much sugar, corn syrup (in packaged foods), high fructose corn syrup, or other sweeteners you consume. Do you come close to the national average of 22 teaspoons per day? Ask yourself how you can remove just one serving of sugar this week.

10.   Practice Ahimsa for your own body and mind (Ahimsa is the Yogic principle of Non-Harming) Eat when you’re truly hungry. Stop eating when you’re full.



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